Zero Emission for individuals
Let's be the positive change we want to see in the world!
As individuals we often deem our environmental impact insignificant. The portion of our carbon footprint compared to big companies and machinery is indeed small, but the change has to start somewhere. By making environmentally responsible choices we can create pressure and be the catalysts of change. Whether it is the purchase of an electric car or solar panels for your roof, we can all make our small contribution towards a better world. The change starts with each one of us!
How does it work?
Prvým krokom je výpočet vašej uhlíkovej stopy za obdobie jedného roka. Na tento účel berieme do úvahy faktory ako spotreba elektrickej energie, typ a frekvencia používania vozidla, veľkosť vášho bydliska a ďalšie tendencie užívateľského správania. Po získaní údajov o vašej uhlíkovej stope, sa podľa odbornej štúdie vypracuje koľko osadení je potrebné umiestniť na jej kompenzáciu.
After calculating the carbon footprint and hence the environmental burden, we calculate the necessary amount of seedlings needed to reduce it. Important steps also include the selection of tree typology, density and the environment where they are going to be planted in order to maximise positive impact on the environment.
Po zaplatení výsadby získate certifikát, ktorý potvrdzuje, že ste sa stali uhlíkovo neutrálnym jednotlivcom. Tento certifikát môžete využívať na sociálnych sieťach a použiť ako dôkaz o vašom záväzku voči životnému prostrediu. Zníženie uhlíkovej stopy môže byť aj skvelým darčekom pre vašich udržateľne zmýšľajúcich priateľov, či rodinných príslušníkov!

Calculating your carbon footprint
The first step is to calculate your carbon footprint over a one-year period. To do this, we take into account factors such as electricity consumption, the type and frequency of vehicle use, the size of your home and other trends in user behaviour. Once the data on your carbon footprint has been obtained, our team will determine how much Co2 needs to be offset.
Planting design
After calculating the carbon footprint and hence the environmental burden, we calculate the necessary amount of seedlings needed to reduce it. Important steps also include the selection of tree typology, density and the environment where they are going to be planted in order to maximise positive impact on the environment.
Become a carbon neutral individual
Once you have paid for your offset, you will receive a certificate confirming that you have become a carbon neutral individual. You can use this certificate as home accessory, post it on social media and use it as proof of your commitment to the environment. Reducing your carbon footprint can also be a great gift for your sustainably minded friends or family members!
Benefits for you:
Direct impact on the environment
Leader of change
Inspiration for others
Certificate of carbon neutrality
Calculate your carbon footprint estimate
Find out how much CO2 you produce.
Frequently Asked Questions
The carbon footprint is the amount of carbon dioxide that our activities release into the atmosphere. Each of us has a carbon footprint of a different amount and this is affected by the amount and type of our activities.
The carbon footprint is calculated based on the inputs to activities that produce carbon dioxide. These are activities that require the combustion of fossil fuels. The calculation itself consists of identifying such activities, measuring the activities and converting them to Co2 equivalent.
Before we start planting, it is very important to choose the right planting space. We focus on places where we can predict with certainty the beneficial impact on the environment. This is followed by the selection of suitable planting material and finally planting, which is carried out by professionally trained staff to ensure that the seedlings take as long as possible.
Offsetting is the compensation of the carbon footprint. In practice, it means reducing the carbon footprint that has already been produced by offsetting it with measures that ensure we store or retain the same amount of carbon in the atmosphere.
In recent years, consumers pay increased attention to product sustainability and this is a growing trend. Today, sustainability is the main subject and the carbon credits market currently worth 1,7 trillion USD is predicted to grow 25x its current value by 2050. Contrary to the misconseption that sustainability comes at a financial cost, it can actually drive economic growth and profitability. Companies that advocate sustainable solutions are often prefered to other less ecological alternatives.